Sika® Antisol®-111
(former MKure 111)
Evaporation retardant and finishing aid
Sika® Antisol®-111 evaporation retardant used for reduction of surface moisture evaporation, subsequently improving treated concrete quality.
Because Sika® Antisol®-111 retards evaporation, it is especially effective in combating rapid drying conditions such as low humidity, high winds, direct sunlight, work in heated interiors during cold weather, etc.
Suitable for use in hot and tropical climatic conditions.
- Reduces surface moisture evaporation ~80% in wind and ~40% in sunlight.
- It has no effect on the cement hydration process.
- Concrete strength (early and ultimate), abrasion resistance and durability are not altered, except for the improvement in overall quality resulting from the control of rapid evaporation.
- Reduces crusting, stickiness and underlying sponginess which often cause unevenness and poor surface texture by controlling the evaporation of concrete while waiting between initial finishing and later toweling or power floating.
- Reduces plastic shrinkage cracking and wind crusting of flatwork surfaces. Also supplements the recommended practices for hot weather concreting. Under some conditions, properly diluted Sika® Antisol®-111 alone will provide the necessary safeguard against the ill effects of evaporation.
- Increases the flexibility and efficiency of the applicator, even under rapid-drying conditions because the surface remains plastic and finishable for a longer time. Thus, work can proceed whereas, without Sika® Antisol®-111, it might be postponed to avoid finishing problems.