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SikaControl®-100 AER
Air Entraining Concrete Admixture
SikaControl®-100 AER is a ready to use highly concentrated, air entraining concrete admixture.
Its efficiency is based upon the number of correctly sized and evenly distributed air pores imparted to the concrete. Suitable for use in tropical and hot climatic conditions.
- Increased freeze / thaw resistance
- Improved workability and plasticity
- Improved durability
- Increased cohesion reducing the risk of segregation
- Reduced water content without loss of workability
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SikaControl®-100 AER is used to produce easily workable and durable concrete for:- Low slump concrete
- Roads
- Runways and taxiways
- Aprons and hard standings
- Dams and reservoirs
- Mass concrete structures
- Cold rooms and freezers
SikaControl®-100 AER provides the following properties:- Increased freeze / thaw resistance
- Improved workability and plasticity
- Improved durability
- Increased cohesion reducing the risk of segregation
- Reduced water content without loss of workability
Drums, 1,000 L flowbin or in bulk.
Brown liquid
Product Details
SikaControl®-100 AER meets the main requirements of:
- ASTM C-260-86
- AASHTO M-154
- CRD-C 13-77
- BS 5075: 1982 Part 2
- DIN 1048 Part 1
Shelf life
12 months from date of manufacture, if stored in a closed container in correct storage conditions.
Storage conditions
Store in undamaged, unopened, original sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +2°C and +50°C. Mix well before using.
~1.01 kg/l (+25°C)
10.5 – 12.5
Total chloride ion content
Nil | (EN 934) |
Concreting guidance
The standard rules of good concreting practice for production and placing must be observed when using SikaControl®-100 AER in concrete. Refer to relevant standards.
Fresh concrete must be cured properly especially at high temperatures in order to prevent plastic and drying shrinkage. Use Sika® Antisol® products as a curing agent or apply wet hessian.
SikaControl®-100 AER is compatible with concrete containing other admixtures or admixture systems - water-reducers, high-range water reducers, accelerators, retarders, densifiers and water repellents.
Increased air contents generally have a detrimental effect on strengths.
This can be adequately catered for by using SikaPlast®, Sika® ViscoCrete®, Sikament® or Plastiment® as water reducer admixture for concrete.
It is compatible with sulfate resistant cement. Please consult our Sika Technical Department for any special usage.
As stated in ACI 212 and other publications, when two or more admixtures are used, they must be added to the mix separately (through dispensers or manually) and must not be mixed with each other prior to adding to the concrete mix.
For optimum, consistent performance, the air-entraining admixture should be dispensed on damp, fine aggregate.
Add SikaControl®-100 AER admixture to the concrete mix using a dispenser designed for air-entraining admixtures; or add manually using a suitable measuring device that ensures accuracy within ±3 % of the required amount.
Recommended dosage
0.02–0.15 % by weight of cement.
Exact dosage rates are determined by air meter tests in trial mixes. Factors affecting air content include : type, grading and proportion of sand, cement and aggregates. Cement content per cubic metre. Type and fineness of cement. Water cement ratio and temperature. In certain cases therefore, it may be necessary to increase the 0.15 % dosage rate. Air meter tests should be taken consistently and adjustments made to the dosage rate in order to completely control the amount of air entrainment, which should be normally in the range of 3 – 6 %.