SikaPaver®-621 AE


SikaPaver®-621 AE is a filling and compaction aid which has been designed to eliminate the stickiness of semi-dry concretes at elevated water-cement-ratios.
The resulting granular concrete leads to an even mould filling and less quality fluctuations while ensuring the targeted concrete compaction. Suitable for use in hot and tropical climatic conditions.

SikaPaver®-621 AE has been designed especially for the application in semi-dry / no-slump concrete with high moisture contents and causes:
  •  Better dispersion and wetting of cement, additives and pigments
  •  Reduced friction between cement and aggregates
  •  Retaining of parts of the water, which reduces the stickiness of the concrete.
  This leads in fresh semi-dry concrete to the following advantages:
  • Granular mould-filling properties, despite high water contents
  • Even concrete distribution across the mould (horizontally and vertically)
  • Stronger compactability, which allows, for example, achieving shorter cycle time or higher concrete densities
  • Increased green strength (shape keeping) after immediate de-molding

In hardened concrete, SikaPaver®-621 AE hence causes:
  • Higher concrete density and strength
  • Smoother and more homogenious concrete surfaces and flanks
  • Better durability
  • Less quality variations and consequently less second grade products