SikaPlast®-200 S

Mid-Range water reducing and retarding concrete admixture

SikaPlast®-200 S is a polycarboxylate based superplasticizer developed particularly for use in ready mixed concrete to give extended slump retention and high strength development of normal grade concrete mixes. SikaPlast®-200 S is suitable for use in concrete mixes incorporating pozzolanic materials such as GGBS, PFA and microsilica. Suitable for use in hot and tropical climatic conditions.

SikaPlast®-200 S acts by surface adsorption on the cement particles producing steric hindrance as well as electrostatic repulsion between the binder particles which results in higher dispersion, flow and retention. SikaPlast®-200 S provides the following beneficial properties:
  • Substantial improvement in workability without increased water
  • Low risk of segregation
  • Low air content
  • Normal set without retardation (within the dosage limit)
  • Improved density and surface finish
  • Improved water tightness
  • Excellent solution for continuous concrete casting of deep elements
  • Does not contain chlorides or other steel corrosion promoting ingredients therefore may be used for reinforced and pre-stressed concrete construction