SikaPlast® PC-100

Concrete Admixture for Precast Concrete & Semi-Dry Concrete Application

SikaPlast® PC-100 is a third generation polycarboxylate based superplasticizer for concrete. It has been particularly developed for use in precast concrete to give extended slump retention and high early strength development of concrete mixes.
SikaPlast® PC-100 is suitable for use in concrete mixes containing microsilica and other pozzolanic materials such as GGBS and fly ash.
Suitable for use in hot and tropical climatic conditions.

SikaPlast® PC-100 acts by surface adsorption on the cement particles producing sterical hindrance as well as electrostatic repulsion between cement particles which results in higher dispersion, flow and retention. SikaPlast® PC-100 provides the following beneficial properties:
  • Increased working time
  • Early strength development resulting in economic stripping time for pre-cast and in cast-situe concrete
  • High water reduction resulting in high density, high strength and reduced water permeability
  • Excellent plasticizing effect giving improved flowability, placing and compaction behavior
  • Improved surface finish
  • Better shrinkage and creep behaviour
  • Low risk of segregation
  • Reduces energy costs for steam cured pre-cast elements
  • Does not contain chlorides or other steel corrosion promoting ingredient