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Sikafloor® P 1240/50
(former MTop P 1240/50)
Epoxy primer for Sikafloor®-1240
Sikafloor® P 1240/50 primer is a two-component primer based on epoxy resin. It is used to promote the adhesion of new epoxy screeds to existing concrete substrates. Suitable for use in hot and tropical climatic conditions.
- Low viscosity
- Good penetration
- Excellent bond strength
- Easy application
- Short waiting times
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Sikafloor® P 1240/50 may only be used by experienced professionals for concrete substrate priming before application of Sikafloor® 1240 epoxy screed. Also suitable to be used as primer for other resin products.Advantages
- Low viscosity
- Good penetration
- Excellent bond strength
- Easy application
- Short waiting times
2.8 kg unit (Part A + Part B)
Product Details
Shelf life
12 months from production date
Storage conditions
Store in undamaged, unopened, original sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between 5 °C and 35 °C. Protect from direct sunlight, heat and moisture.
~1.09 kg/l (25°C)
Mixing ratio
Part A : Part B = 70 : 30, by weight
Open Time
~20 min (25°C)
As a guide: 1 kg of Sikafloor® P 1240/50 will cover 4 - 6 m²
Calculated usage assumes constant application thickness on a regular substrate. These figures are theoretical and do not include for any additional material required due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level and wastage etc.
- Vacuum recovery shot blasting machine
- Scabbler
- Industrial vacuum
- Masking tape/polythene sheets
- Goggles
- Lighting
- Slow speed drill with suitable paddle
- Industrial gloves
In new construction, concrete to receive high performance epoxy screeds should be designed, mixed and placed in accordance with internationally accepted good practice. The concrete should be at least 28 old unless water reducing admixtures have been used. Sufficient compressive and tensile strength to withstand dynamic loading is required. Laitance or concrete contaminated with oils, greases etc. should be completely removed by captive blasting or mechanical means such as scabbing. Finally ensure the surface is dust free, using an industrial vacuum.
Mixing should be carried out using a slow speed drill, with a suitable paddle, making sure to reach the bottom and sides of the mixing vessel. Mix for at least 1- 2 minutes until uniform consistency is achieved. The components are pre-weighed and should not be split or divided.
Sikafloor® P 1240/50 should be worked well into the substrate be brush or roller. Apply according to stated coverage. The Sikafloor® P 1240/50 should be allowed to stand for 20 minutes before applying the chosen epoxy screed, to check for absorption. If the surface becomes matt, showing absorption, reprime the surface. The chosen epoxy screed should be installed whilst the primed surface is still tacky.
If the primer hardens re-prime within 24 hours.
Remove Sikafloor® P 1240/50 from tools and equipment using a suitable thinner (Xylene / MEK / Acetone) immediately after application. Once hardened, the material can only be removed mechanically.