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Sikalastic®-1 C Primer PU
1-component, fast-curing, polyurethane based primer
Sikalastic®-1 C Primer PU is a 1-component, fast-curing, polyurethane based primer.
- 1-component, easy to apply
- Low viscorsity
- Fast Curing
- Enhances adhesion to existing Sikalastic® system
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Sikalastic®-1 C Primer PU may only be used by experienced professionals.- Suitable substrates for applications are concrete, wood and metal
- Primer for Sikalastic® roof waterproofing systems
- 1-component, easy to apply
- Low viscorsity
- Fast Curing
- Enhances adhesion to existing Sikalastic® system
1.0 L, 4.0 L and 20.0 L metal pails
Brown liquid
Product Details
Shelf life
12 months from date of production
Storage conditions
The Product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +25 °C.
Always refer to packaging.
~0.95 kg/L (at 20 °C) |
60 – 100 mPa·s ( at 25 °C) | (ASTM D2196) |
Tensile strength
3.5 N/mm2 | (EN ISO 527-3) |
Ambient air temperature
Minimum | +5 °C |
Maximum | +35 °C |
Relative air humidity
≤80 % r.h.
Dew point
Beware of condensation. The substrate and uncured coating must be at least 3 °C above dew point to reduce the risk of condensation or blooming of the membrane finish.
Substrate temperature
Minimum | +5 °C |
Maximun | +35 °C |
Substrate moisture content
≤4 % pbw moisture content.
Test method: Sika®- Tramex meter, CM - measurement or Oven - dry - method.
No rising moisture according to ASTM (Polyethylene - sheet)
Curing time
60 – 90 min
Tack free time
60 min
Waiting time to overcoating
Temperature | Minimum | Maximum |
+23 °C | 1 hour | 48 hours |
Apply an additional coat if 48 hours is exceeded before coating.
Times are approximate and will be affected by changing ambient conditions particularly temperature and relative humidity.
Sikalastic®-1 C Primer PU is applied in 1 or 2 coats.
Approx. 100 – 500 g/m2 depending on the substrate.
These figures are theoretical and do not allow for any additional material due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level or wastage, e.t.c.
Substrate preparation equipment
- Abrasive blast cleaning / planing / scarifying or grinding equipment
- High pressure power washer
Mixing Equipment
- Electric single paddle mixer
Application Equipment
- Brush
- Roller
Concrete substrates must be sound and of sufficient compressive strength (≥ 25 N/mm2) with a minimum pull off strength of 1.5 N/mm2.
On critical substrates, e.g a highly absorbent cementitious surface, the application on a small scale area is highly recommended, in order to ensure a pore free surface after priming.
All surfaces to be coated should be thoroughly cleaned by conventional means. The substrate must be clean and free from all contaminants such as dirt, oil, grease, coatings and surface treatments, e.t.c.
- Steel is ideally prepared by shot blasting to Sa 21/2 or SSPC 10 (nearly white metal). Where blasting is not permitted then clean metal preparation by power tools is acceptable. Non-ferrous metals are prepared by removing deposits of dust and oxidation and abrade to white metal. Wire brushing can be used on soft metals, i.e. copper.
- Concrete substrates must be prepared mechanically using abrasive blast cleaning or scarifying equipment to remove cement laitance and achieve an open textured surface. Weak concrete must be removed and surface defects such as blowholes and voids must be fully exposed. Repairs to the substrate, filling of blowholes/voids and surface levelling must be carried out using appropriate products from the Sikafloor®, Sikadur® and Sikagard® range of products. Concrete or screed substrate has to be levelled in order to achieve an even surface. High spots must be removed by e.g. grinding.
Ensure that surfaces are free from visible dampness and that all dust, loose and friable material is completely removed from all surfaces before application of the product, preferably by brush and/or vacuum.
Prior to application, stir Sikalastic®-1 C Primer PU gently but thoroughly for 1 minute in order to achieve a homogeneous mixture.
For mixing, an electric single paddle mixer (300-400 r.p.m.) with a spiral blade can be used.
Over mixing must be avoided to minimize air entrainment.
Prior to application, confirm substrate moisture content, r.h. and dew point.
Make sure that a continuous, pore free layer covers the substrate. If necessary, apply two priming coats.
Apply Sikalastic®-1 C Primer PU by brush or roller.
Consumption is depending on the porosity of the substrate, ranging between 100 – 500 g/m2 in one or two coats.
Οn existing Sikalastic® system the consumption must be maximum 100 g/m2 in one coat.
Clean all tools and application equipment with a suitable thinner (Xylene / MEK / Acetone) immediately after use. Hardened or cured material can only be removed mechanically.