SikaControl®-1200 WT

Crystalline Waterproofing Admixture for Concrete and Mortars

SikaControl®-1200 WT crystalline waterproofing liquid admixture is an integral crystalline capillary waterproofing admixture for concrete. It is designed for use in above- and below-grade applications.
SikaControl®-1200 WT consists of various active, proprietary chemicals. These active chemicals react with the moisture in fresh concrete with the by-products of cement hydration to cause a reaction, which generates an insoluble crystalline deposit throughout the pores and capillary tracts of the concrete. These crystalline hydration products are deposited and fill the pores and hairline cracks, effectively reduce the permeability of concrete, its capillary absorption and penetration of water and other liquids into the concrete. The concrete with SikaControl®-1200 WT reduces water permeability of concrete structures and improves self-healing property in presence of moisture.
Suitable to use in hot and tropical climatic conditions.

  • ​​​Integral addition
  • Reduces concrete permeability
  • Non toxic
  • Becomes an integral part of the concrete
  • Can seal hairline cracks up to 0.5 mm
  • Reduces water penetration under pressure
  • Protects against sewage and industrial wastes
  • Cost efficient compared to traditional methods