Sika innovation to replace teak - The new cool-deck technology of SikaFloor® Marine 595 stands for more comfort and sustainability. Sika developed a polyurethane based floor, which comes with the benefit of being a sustainable product as its resins are bio-sourced. At the same time the solution mimics a teak deck.

The Future of Flooring Starts with the Customer

Teak Replacement SikaFloor 595

In the course of the centuries teak has become a precious material for both the construction and the manufacturing business. As teak wood now has become rare and difficult to source, Sika has developed an IMO approved (fire retardant) floor for marine applications. Due to a cooperation of two major Sika disciplines, Construction Flooring and Fire Retardancy, a new technology was created for Sika Comfort floors: Sikafloor® Marine 500 series.

The new technology was further developed closely with the customer needs, especially to enhance the durability for Mediterranean climate, in other words to have a technology, which is UV stable whilst avoiding discoloration by the sun and offering a better heat transfer performance. The solution found was based on the heat transfer theory: In answering the question “why do certain materials feel cooler than others if they have the same temperature?”. The answer is “Effusivity”.

Save teak forests. Sika Marine innovates a wood mimicking teak deck

Teak has always been a highly valued material. It has been used to outfit and adorn luxury residences, and later the Dutch started to use the wood for shipbuilding due to the teak’s rot-proof characteristics. Teak is also a valued natural abundant building material as it comes with good mechanical and structural properties. Its natural resistance to various climate factors and its overall natural appearance helped to rise a demand for teak wood in various manufacturing sectors such as indoor and outdoor furniture and appliances such as teak decks or finishing, especially at the luxury boat market. This particular wood is a native tree form Southeast Asia and is still extracted to an amount which exceeds its renewability even though it has been grown in plantation conditions. As a consequence of the slow deforestation of teak, black markets, corruption and environmental crimes lead to a worldwide investigation into the teak business leading to a partial ban and a rigid regulation (FLEGT Regulation).  

Sikafloor® Marine 595: Cool-Deck Technology for More Comfort and Sustainability

It is easy to create a synthetic floor but it’s a creative skill to develop a floor, which mimics another material. This goal in mind, Sika was able to create a new polyurethane based floor, which comes with the benefit of being a sustainable product as its resins are bio-sourced and fits therefore with the Sika’s sustainable strategy ‘more value – less impact’ and which mimics a teak deck. The new material is a liquid applied floor, which has self-leveling capacity, opening a twofold application possibility – one more traditional casted directly on the ship floor and another one, where every single panel of the deck can be prefabricated thus bonded to the ship deck by a similar manner as a traditional teak floor.

The prefabrication method does also open the possibility of the identical recreation of the wood pattern and in addition further design applications such as logos or even different color settings. But its light weight too does open up new ship/boat design option, helping to reduce the overall fuel consumption. The greatest achievement however comes with the patented cool-deck technology,  as the thermal conductivity and the density of the product was lowered, helping to transfer the heat built-up dynamically. As it has been shown by measurements a deck with Sikafloor® Marine 595 feels 10°C cooler (vice versa in a cold climate) than a standard deck covered by polyurethane solutions and is therefore comparable to native teak. Sika hopes to advance further in this technology and to be also able to offer this technology for other marine products or outside decoflooring in construction like balconies for warm countries.

SikaFloor® Marine 595

Teak Replacement SikaFloor 595 Marine
  • Strong, flexible aliphatic polyurethane
  • Used for Deco Teak
  • Low thermal conductivity and Effusivity
  • High UV and high wear resistance
  • Low density
  • Based on renewable PU-polyols from renewable resources
  • No VOC or plastizisers
  • Compliance with new REACH regulations


Deco Teak Range (Artificial Teak)

Sikafloor® Marine 570/579
  • Semi flexible aromatic polyurethane
  • High wear resistance
  • Applicable for cruise ships
  • Slight discoloration due to UV radiation  
Sikafoor® Marine 590/599
  • Flexible aliphatic polyurethane
  • High UV resistance
  • Deck caulking in light colours
  • Deco Comfortfloor  
Sikafloor® Marine 530
  • Highly flexible aromatic polyurethane
  • Deck caulking in black
  • Deco Comfortfloor

Comparison of a Teak Deck and a SikaFloor® Marine 595 Deck

Teak Deck on Yacht
Image: Native Teak
Teak Replacement SikaFloor 595 Marine
Image: SikaFloor® Marine 595