Sika scored 74 in the S&P Global Rating ESG Evaluation. This score reflects S&P Global Ratings' view that Sika enables sustainability, delivering environmental benefits to customers. The report mentions Sika’s culture which fosters an innovative ecosystem with flat hierarchical structures. Large teams of engineers are encouraged to develop and execute new concepts.
Sika Scored 74 in the S&P Global Rating ESG Evaluation
Sika’s long-term strategy is to enhance its customers' sustainability performance by developing innovative products that require less water or fewer raw materials. The strong collaboration with customers allows management and the board to anticipate the technological and secular trends that could disrupt its eight end markets. The overarching aim is to ensure its new products deliver functional and sustainable performance.
The S&P Global Ratings ESG Evaluation is provided by Standard & Poor's Financial Service.
ESG Rating
Sika focusses on sustainability in its strategy. The team of S&P Global Rating therefore is convinced that Sika will continue to develop new products that offer enhanced functionality and sustainable performance. According to the report Sika's customer focus helps to anticipate and adapt to a variety of long-term plausible disruptions, rendering the strategic approach resilient.