How Can Sika Roofing Systems Contribute to Sustainable Construction?

The green roof of the Pakubuwono Rooftop in Jakarta

Long-lasting, high-performance roofing systems can make a major contribution to sustainable construction. Raw materials,  production, application, the use phase and maintenance have significant influence on the overall sustainability performance of roofing applications.



  • Energy and resource efficiency:  Sika provides roofing systems that use less energy and resources in comparison with competitive technologies.
  • Climate protection:  Sika provides roo fing systems with low global warming potential. This means a reduced carbon footprint.



  • Air quality:  Sika provides low-VOC and VOC-free roofing solutions that help reduce summer smog and improve health and safety conditions during the roof installation process. 
  • The low-odor performance of Sika products has been externally tested and certified.



  • The durability of building materials is a key to sustainable building construction. 
  • Internal and external studies document the outstanding service life of Sarnafil® and Sikaplan® roofing systems.


  • Saving energy:  Sika solar reflective membranes  help save energy by increasing the reflectivity and as a consequence reducing the cooling energy demand of buildings.
  • Saving energy:  Sika roofing systems can save energy by  incorporating high-performance thermal insulation .
  • Generating energy: Sika SolaRoof®  systems allow the produc - tion of energy, while Sika solar reflective membranes  improve photovoltaic panel ef ficiency.
  • Improving the microclimate:  Sika green roofing systems  help improve the microclimate and mitigate the development of urban heat islands as well as help manage water runoff from roofs.
  • Extending service life:  Sika refurbishment solutions  allow extending the service life of existing roofs by using the existing buildup as a base for the new system

Results for Global Warming Potential (GWP)

The challenge

The earth’s climate is changing faster than ever before. The consequences are manifold and affect us all. Climate protection is one of the most important tasks for the future. In order to mitigate the effects of climate change, by 2050 the world will have to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80%. Acting now is crucial because a complete overhaul of the currently used energy systems needs to be financed and realized within less than two generations. Decisive action is needed urgently.

LCA Results for Popular Roofing Systems1

Global Warming Potential

1) LCA values vary depending on the product formulations (e.g. due to local fire regulations), production sites and the datasets provided by the available LCA databases. The values for the thermoplastic roof buildups are based on the average of the two systems described for the corresponding application.

Results for Energy Demand (CED)

The demand for limited natural resources is increasing. The worldwide demand for our finite natural resources including oil, coal, natural gas, iron ore and copper is increasing, driven by a growing population and higher spending and purchasing power. But these resources are limited, and their extraction is becoming costlier. Efficient and intelligent use of our limited natural resources is one of the main challenges of future growth.

Cumulative Energy Demand

Sustainable Solutions


You can help save energy and natural resources by choosing low-energy footprint Sika roofing solutions:

More value

  • Sika roofing solutions include a wide range of sustainable and cost-effective roofing systems to meet specific requirements
  • They provide superior durability and additional benefits in the use phase
  • Project-specific green building program (LEED, BREEAM, etc.) packages and custom energy footprint calculations are available on request 

Less impact

  • Sika roofing solutions have a lower energy footprint than most of the other roofing systems analyzed (Energy & Resource Efficiency Solutions)