Since 1910, Sika has been a reliable partner in construction projects in almost every part of the world, gaining an enviable reputation for quality products and system solutions backed by unrivalled technical expertise and support. Airports and the aviation industry present particular challenges. Sika understands these challenges and offers advice and solutions to satisfy the performance requirements of every part of an airport, for both new build and renovation projects. Our solutions contribute to the overall performance of buildings and airside facilities whilst potentially reducing operating costs.

291 billion
USD current global airport investment pipeline for new airports and upgrades
2.7 trillion
USD contribution to the global economy from aviation¹
50 new runways are planned across the world's major cities by 2035, and
1 billion
more journeys will be possible as a result.¹
of global imports and exports travel by air.¹

¹Source: Let Britain Fly

Solutions for Every Part of an Airport

Airport terminal graphic
Graphic of airport baggage belt
Airport hangar graphic
Airport car park graphic
Airport runway graphic
Airport transport system graphic

1. Terminal Buildings

The Sika Basement-to-Roof Concept can really bring design, construction and operation efficiencies to airport terminal buildings. Sika provides a full range of solutions from underground structures up to the rooftop. 

Decorative and Durable Flooring

Sikafloor® seamless coatings, alongside joint sealants and movement joint systems offer improved performance, aesthetics and passenger experience as well as lower life costs.

Roof Systems and Facade Sealants

A watertight envelope from a range of technologies. Sika offer roof waterproofing solutions ranging from Sarnafil® and Sikaplan® single ply membranes through to Sikalastic® cold applied liquid and spray applied systems. Alongside a comprehensive range of Sikaflex® facade sealant technologies we are able to propose the right solution for specific project requirements and location as well as advise on material compatibility and detailing.

Below Ground Waterproofing

For watertight, durable structures including basements and tunnels, Sika has the most comprehensive range of waterproofing technologies in the market, enabling a complete system approach from one supplier, tailored for the specific project requirements. Sikaplan® and SikaProof® membranes, cementitious renders and water management systems are complimented by a full range of ancillary products.

Fire Protection

From linear and penetration sealants to expansion joints, Sika offers passive fire protection solutions to enhance safety in airport buildings with such product ranges as Sikacryl®, Sikaflex®, Sika Boom®, Sika Emseal and more.

Airport Terminal

2. Baggage Handling, Cargo and Back of House Areas


Often housed in basements, baggage handling areas and the equipment contained within them need effective protection from water ingress.

Floor Coatings

Durable Sikafloor® coatings offer improved performance of operations, ease of cleaning and low maintenance. In public areas, Sikafloor® seamless floors can enhance the passenger experience through aesthetics as well as comfort underfoot.

Floor Joint Sealants

A floor, like most elements of a building should be viewed as a system. Sika offer a complete solution including Sikaflex® floor joint sealants and Sikafloor® movement joint systems.

Hygiene Coatings

Using Sikagard® technology provides durable solutions for food preparation areas, medical facilities and refuse areas.

Sikafloor® decorative resin system providing an attractive, durable seamless floor.

3. Hangars and Maintenance Buildings

Floor Coatings

Durability, long service life, minimizing dust and ease of cleaning are just some of the benefits of a Sikafloor® resin floor system incorporating Sikaflex® joint sealing and Sika® FloorJoint systems.

Roof Waterproofing and Facade Sealing

A watertight envelope, improved internal environment and reduced running costs are provided by selecting the right solutions for the project. The extent of the Sika range enables us to offer that integrated, compatible solution.

Fire Protection

Sika provides a range of passive fire protection solutions for enhanced safety including: Sikacryl®, Sikaflex®, Sika Boom®, Sika Emseal and more.

Emirates maintenance facility at Dubai International Airport. Sikafloor® and Sika® Unitherm® fire protection.

4. Car Park and Passenger Transport

Car Park Coatings

Car parks are an essential asset and a significant revenue stream for an airport. Sikafloor® coatings clearly improve aesthetics and wayfinding in a car park. However, perhaps their most important function is protection of the concrete structure; the asset. Sika’s success in this area is based on producing a wide range of technologies, enabling the right choice for the project, both new build and refurbishment.


Sika produce a range of high performance grouts for void filling and structural support.

Fire Protection

Sika technologies provide additional safety and protection of the asset.

Joint Sealing

Joint sealants and movement joint systems form an integral part of a car park flooring system. Sika can offer a complete system solution.

Car park of Zurich Airport

5. Airside Aprons, Taxi-Ways, Aircraft Stands and ATC Towers

Concrete Admixtures and Curing Agents

Sika admixtures improve the plastic and hardened properties of concrete. Improved performance and durability as well as mix design optimisation are achieved with the right admixture selection. High quality, spray applied curing agents further improve the performance and durability of concrete pavements and floors.

Joint Sealants

Failed pavement joints are a constant issue in busy airports, leading to expensive maintenance of both the joint and the concrete. Sikaflex® pavement sealants provide improved joint performance leading to less disruption and lower running costs.

Concrete Repair Materials

Localized concrete repairs can be carried out using Sika products such as Sika Rapid Repair Mortar, ensuring a fast return to service and minimal disruption.

Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower

This is another structure which can benefit from the Sika basement-to-roof concept. Below ground waterproofing, roofing, sealing for facade and glazing, flooring, concrete and steel protection are all part of the Sika offer.

Zurich Airport

6. Infrastructure

Roads and Tunnels

Sika probably have more experience globally than any other company in waterproofing tunnels as well as providing admixtures for precast and sprayed concrete. In addition we produce a range of protective coatings and impregnation materials for roads and bridges, leading to enhanced service life of structures.

Fuel Farms, Sewage, Treatment and Clean Water

From concrete and waterproofing to protective and fuel resistant coatings for structures and bund areas; Sika has a solution to the variety of challenges posed by the parts of an airport that provide the vital infrastructure and keep the facility working.

Tunnel - Waterproofing

See Some of Sika’s Past Airport Projects