Sika Canada supports "Foyer du Monde", an organization which accommodates and supports families, couples and single women, asylum seekers and refugees of all origins and all faiths in their settlement procedures, on referral from organizations working with migrants.

"Home of the World" - for a Safe Living Environment

A group of Sika Canada employees headed to the Foyer du Monde in Montreal (QC) to rehabilitate the outdoor space to provide a more welcoming environment for residents. The Sika Canada Team did engage in refurbishment and modernization activities like repairing concrete, replacing the exterior furniture, building a secure railing and decorating the wall with a mural.

Foyer du Monde is a shelter that provides help and security to asylum seekers, families, couples and refugees of all origins and faiths. The organization creates and an environment that is open to all cultures, races, religions, ages and genders, where all people are respected and supported in their process of integration into the values of the local Quebec society.

" Being a good corporate citizen has always been one of Sika's core values and that is why we are committed to helping the communities in which we live and work every day. Without them, we would not be who we are as individuals and as a company. We all have a moral responsibility to give back to society, given our strengths and abilities." Richard Aubertin, General Manager, Sika Canada