Sika partnered with Rebuilding Together to restore homes in Orlando, Florida. Rebuilding Together is a nonprofit community revitalization organization committed to repairing homes, revitalizing communities and rebuilding lives. 

Repairing Homes, Revitalizing Communities, Rebuilding Lives

In autumn 2022, a group of Sika employees volunteered in a local community in Orlando, Florida. Sika partnered with the organization "Rebuilding Together" to restore homes and to help people in need.

The Community Engagement event relied as well on the cooperation with Pathlight HOME, an organization with a mission to assist the homeless population of Orange County. The volunteering activities  of 60 Sika employees attending a national sales meeting in Florida took place at the Pathways Drop-In Center which serves people with mental health problems allowing them to receive essential services like laundry, hot meals and showers. 

The volunteers provided beautification services such as clean/mulch flower beds, painting, cleaning and organizing their kitchen, prepare and pack hygiene bags, and installing room accents.  Sika provided donation that will go towards a new residential roof too.  

Sika has been cooperating with Rebuilding Together since many years