The UN Sustainable Development Goal 17 stresses the need for public-private partnerships. Companies are playing an increasingly active role in society to support sustainable growth and innovation. Sika contributes to positive global initiatives where it can, in line with the company’s strategy and business objectives, in order to shape sustainable policy-development. As a responsible corporate actor, Sika facilitates open, honest and transparent communication with all stakeholders, including politicians, authorities, business associations, as well as non-government organizations, in a number of relevant policy areas including: chemistry, climate change, energy, circular economy and industrial, trade and innovation policies.

Political Contributions 

According to its Code of Conduct, Sika commits to ethical and sustainable operations and development in all business activities. One company rule prescribes that “using Sika funds to support politicians, political candidates or political parties is prohibited. Donations to political campaigns supporting Sika’s strategy or business activities need to be approved by Group Management”.
In 2024, Sika did not give donations to parties, politicians, or related organizations.

Memberships in Associations and Other Forums

Sika’s engagement with associations and other platforms supports strategic alignment across the industry and provides an opportunity for exchange on perspectives and best practices.